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School Website

Product Points : 1Points


  1. Select, Checkout and Place Order Successfully.
  2. After Receiving your Order Successfully & Order Confirmation Our Team will Contact you and Buy (Domain Name + Single Domain Unlimited Hosting + SSL Linux or Windows Shared Hosting Plan For One Year ) For your Order.
  3. Logo, Website Banners and Other Details Such as Page Wise Contents, Business Address, Contact Number and Other Necessary Details Customer has to provide us.
  4. Payment Gateway for website (if Required) customer has to choose personally and complete the necessary formalities with the Payment Gateway Providers.
  5.  Minimum Time Required to Complete Oder is 7 Days after placing order successfully.
  6. One Year free maintenance

School Website Development is very important for making a good first impression as it often is the first contact that people have with the school.

Essential Features of School Website:

For the school website, the features given below are the most essential.

  1. Admissions :

    Focusing on admissions means focusing on the website’s home page. The home page is the place where students and their families will get their first experience directly after they click on your website. Focus on listening to the desires and concerns of prospective families. The images added to the home page should be professional, so avoid selfies and dumb fonts as the website is often visited by parents. Include contact info, strengths, feature programs kind of things to the home page, which will help the parents to know more about your school.

  2. News and blogs :

    This is the most critical aspect of the website where you can share some fascinating stories of successful students. Also by sharing the latest information and activities, you can continue to involve and grab the attention of employees, parents, and students. It is the best way to keep the information in the blogs which will help the folks to come back and see the information that they are looking for. For making the required information more accessible using the available news engines.

  3. Present parents emphasis :

    Full-time job work for any school is serving the needs of the present parents by providing them with the required information, resources available, and connection details, or link. For speaking with the parents directly and for providing more frequently asked information along with the academic calendar, news, or blogs it is important to have a separate section for parents. Try to provide your school website futures more user friendly by providing the information in fewer checks.
    Without creating different accounts by the parents, consider and understand if something should be protected by a password. Understand the capabilities of other systems that you are using for school other than the website.

  4. Calendars :

    Calendars show how the school worked. We may also say the heart of the school is the calendars. It should include weekly, monthly, tests, special events. Special events are the events that will engage the students and families. The calendar should provide details that would not require individuals to check for a previous call or messages for event and exam information. Parents will know whether they need to participate in the events or not by getting a straightforward calendar. To minimize the size of the clicks and sign by the visitors, you can use the calendar like SIS powered calendar.

  5. Forms :

    Paper types cause the majority of parents considerable discomfort or irritation. You need to ask for the data again if the paper forms are missing and parents can be annoyed by this. So, add the forms on your website and also use WordPress plugins, fillable PDF forms, or downloadable forms to make the forms as simple as possible. Also, consider the distinction between signature and e-signature and use the resources accordingly.

  6. Integration of SIS :

    The lifeblood of every school trying to handle data well is a Student Information System (SIS). It is so important to choose a platform that integrates with your website without requiring you to use a restrictive, proprietary web authoring tool, so it will be better to consult a school website development company.
    The purpose of SIS integration is to handle public information effortlessly and to log in securely to access private information such as grades and schedules. Make sure that the website provides tuition payment options and gathers future student information in a manner that does not build bottlenecks in your employee organization or lock away sensitive information that only a webmaster has access to.

  7. Contact details and location :

    If families are attending an Open House or attempting to call to report an absence, make sure that contact and location information is given in a centralized location. Provide common links to make navigation easier, such as a Google map. If applicable, include a notice about parking issues and make it as convenient as possible for people to visit without unnecessary hassle. Also, try to include the building picture to help the customers to find the exact building.


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    1. Select, Checkout and Place Order Successfully.
    2. After Receiving your Order Successfully & Order Confirmation Our Team will Contact you and Buy (Domain Name + Single Domain Unlimited Hosting + SSL Linux or Windows Shared Hosting Plan For One Year ) For your Order.
    3. Logo, Website Banners and Other Details Such as Page Wise Contents, Business Address, Contact Number and Other Necessary Details Customer has to provide us in time.
    4. Payment Gateway for website (if Required) customer has to choose personally and complete the necessary formalities with the Payment Gateway Providers.
    5.  Minimum Time Required to Complete Oder is 7 Days after placing order successfully.
    6. One Year free maintenance
    7. This are Single Site Development Charges, Add-on Domain Name/Sub Domain including Site Development will be additionally charged Rs. 30000 for each add-on site.
    8. Only One Revision is allowed in a year.
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